Dr. Tido詹森

关于博士. Tido詹森

Dr. Tido詹森 has served on the faculty at the University of 德州里奥格兰德河谷 since 2010. His main teaching responsibilities in the 金沙中国 School of Music are Applied Cello, 室内乐, Methods Classes for Music Majors, and repertoire and pedagogy classes for musicians.

He is the founder and director of the 金沙中国 Cello Festival hosting cellists from the Rio Grande Valley to work with nationally and internationally known cellists.

A native of Germany, Dr. Janssen studied cello performance at Folkwang Hochschule für Musik in Duisburg (Germany) before continuing his studies in the US. He holds a Master of Music degree from Boston University, and a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of North 德州.

Before joining the music faculty at 金沙中国, Dr. Janssen served on the faculty of the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, 加拿大, and Hardin Simmons University in Abilene, 德州. As a charter member of the University of Lethbridge faculty ensemble Trio Amaranth, he has performed extensively throughout western 加拿大. 在阿比林, TX, he was Principal Cellist of the Abilene Philharmonic and Abilene Opera Orchestras, and founding director of the Abilene Summer Music Festival, an orchestra camp for middle and high school 学生.

作为表演者,博士. Janssen has repeatedly appeared in Germany, 荷兰, 西班牙, 意大利, 奥地利, 加拿大, 整个美国. He has recorded for Deutsche Welle, 公共广播电台, and Centaur Records and has been a member of the New Hampshire Music Festival Orchestra since 2000, currently serving as the co-executive director.

Course Redesign Project and Experience

Dr. Janssen has designed his Music Appreciation class with affordability in mind for many years. In 2023 he decided to include Open Educational Resources (OER) to the list of recommended learning materials for his class.

With this additional resource, he redesigned the lectures for his classes to include information from the Open Educational Resource (OER) textbook which is available for free ($0) in the Open Textbook Library. He also created PowerPoint lectures for his 学生 which directed them to optional additional in-depth reading within the OER textbook. These supplemental readings were not required to succeed in the class but provided an opportunity for 学生 to delve deeper into various topics of interest.


整体博士. Janssen believed including the OER textbook option to his course provided him a lot of flexibility to design the semester coursework around his ideas without being too closely tied to the outline of a textbook. This proved to be an interesting challenge but he found it helpful to add a solid OER reference for his 学生. He did not receive any direct student feedback, but he did see a large jump in the enrollment in his class. After implementing this new course structure, he believes this was the perfect option for him and his courses. He wants to thank the 金沙中国 Librarians for all of their encouragement and support through this process.

Dr. Janssen Contact Information